AFN to PKR Rate

01 Jun, 2024 - Today’s Afghan Afghani AFN to PKR Pakistan Rupee currency exchange rate increased PKR 0.0284 or 0.730% on 01 Jun trading in currency conversion. Today’s live AFN to PKR rate 3.9182, you can use following tool as a AFN to PKR Currency Converter.

The Afghan Afghani to Pakistan Rupee currency conversion has a key significance. The exchange of different currencies such as Afghan Afghani to Pakistan Rupee or AFN to PKR is a common practice in these countries. However, the Afghan Afghani or AFN is the main trading currency of Pakistan Rupee. Whereas, Afghan Afghani or AFN is utilized as the main currency in the Pakistan Rupee. The PKR to AFN rate fluctuates on a daily basis.

1.00 Afghan Afghani = 3.9182 Pakistani Rupees

Updated: June 01 2024
AFN to PKR Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 4 4
Low 0 0
Average 3.2730 3.7550
AFN to PKR Rates History
May 31, 2024 AFN To PKR 3.9182
May 30, 2024 AFN To PKR 3.9022
May 29, 2024 AFN To PKR 3.9131
May 28, 2024 AFN To PKR 3.9086
May 27, 2024 AFN To PKR 3.8988
May 26, 2024 AFN To PKR 3.8988
May 25, 2024 AFN To PKR 3.8988
May 24, 2024 AFN To PKR 3.8898
May 23, 2024 AFN To PKR 3.9104
May 22, 2024 AFN To PKR 3.8664
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AFN to PKR Currency Rate

The exchange rate of Afghan Afghani (AFN) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR) currently stands at approximately 4.0944387. This exchange rate is subject to fluctuations based on the economic conditions of both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Explore the dynamics of these two currencies and shed light on the factors influencing the variation of AFN to PKR relation.

Despite being the official currency, the Afghanistan currency is not considered a strong currency on the international stage. Comparing it to the widely recognized US Dollar, we observe that the Afghan Afghani is significantly weaker, with an exchange rate of approximately 69.797852.

The weakness of the Afghanistan currency can be attributed to various factors, primarily an unbalanced political system and weak legal infrastructure. The lack of effective implementation of laws, coupled with an inactive role in foreign affairs, contributes to the devaluation of this currency.

In contrast, the official currency of Pakistan is the Pakistani Rupee (PKR). Similar to the AFN, the PKR faces challenges in terms of its economic standing. The currency is notably weak compared to other global currencies, with a continuous decline in its value.

AFN and PKR Comparison

When comparing the Afghani to PKR, it becomes evident that both currencies face similar challenges. AFN is approximately double the value of PKR, highlighting the economic difficulties shared by both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Neither currency commands significant demand in the international market, emphasizing the need for both countries to improve their economic conditions to enhance the value of their respective currencies.

Additionally, it's important to note that the AFG to PKR exchange rate is subject to constant fluctuations. Interested individuals can find the latest exchange rate information on this platform where real-time updates on currency values are available. The exchange rate is influenced by the economic conditions, political stability, and international engagement of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Both countries must address these underlying issues to strengthen their currencies and foster economic stability.

AFN and PKR Fluctuations

Addressing these underlying issues is imperative for strengthening the currencies and fostering economic stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Regular monitoring of this dynamic exchange rate is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the economic health and stability of the two nations. As they continue to navigate their economic challenges and work towards international recognition, the Afghanistan currency rate in Pakistan exchange rate remains a key indicator for businesses, investors, and individuals engaged in cross-border transactions. By prioritizing economic growth, political stability, and effective foreign relations, both Afghanistan and Pakistan can contribute to a more resilient financial landscape in the region.

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Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.